Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fable IV?

So, since my class is coming to an end, this blog is also coming to a foreseeable end as well. *sniff* *sniff* I will miss you my loyal readers, wherever you are! But, as a gift to you from me, I will include one last little bit of Fable goodness. Peter Molyneux might be creating Fable 4! He has been quoted by several sources from IGN to OXM that he does not plan on letting Fable stay a trilogy. So what does this mean for all of you? More chicken kicking, kingdom saving goodness...but for now...as Theresa says, "Your path is now yours, do with it as you will."

P.S here's a short article from the writers at Joystiq, talking about it....enjoy, and thanks for staying with me, it's been a crazy time and you've all stuck with it...thanks :)


Joystiq Article

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