Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fable IV?

So, since my class is coming to an end, this blog is also coming to a foreseeable end as well. *sniff* *sniff* I will miss you my loyal readers, wherever you are! But, as a gift to you from me, I will include one last little bit of Fable goodness. Peter Molyneux might be creating Fable 4! He has been quoted by several sources from IGN to OXM that he does not plan on letting Fable stay a trilogy. So what does this mean for all of you? More chicken kicking, kingdom saving goodness...but for now...as Theresa says, "Your path is now yours, do with it as you will."

P.S here's a short article from the writers at Joystiq, talking about it....enjoy, and thanks for staying with me, it's been a crazy time and you've all stuck with it...thanks :)


Joystiq Article

Are you the gatekeeper?

So to continue along with my Fable-ness, I wanted to include a guide to the silver and gold keys within Fable 3. These keys are some of the biggest pains in the A$$ that I've ever had the "pleasure" of tracking down. So here, so you don't go controller throwing mad trying to get the achievement.

Are you the Keymaster?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Being a Paragon

So, as you come later into the games, you gain wings in accordance to your alignment. If you are Good, you gain white angelic wings and a halo to show your righteousness and purity when you deal a flourish attack to someone. If you are evil you gain black sooty wings and horns that show your vile inner nature. I'll post some pics to show the Good and Evil extremes.



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Search for More Money!

I just recently came across something funny. A Fable smartphone game app that you can play, and take territory and earn money in Fable 3. Good way to get that last 2 dollars out of smartphone people. But hey if you want to take a look at the microsite here's the link...
Fable: Kingmaker

See yourself in Fable 3

So I forgot I found out about a really unique feature that you could do for Fable 3 through Lionhead's website. You can make your own villager complete with their own quest within Fable 3. You go to Lionhead's website, open up the village creator, and make your villager, once you're done, they email you a special code to input into the game that will download your villager into the game.

Here's the link: Click Me!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

As seen on your computer!

Hey guys,

I was searching around youtube for videos on Fable 3 and came across this video review of Fable 3 by IGN. So I figured I would the link to it since it doesn't want to embed itself in the post >.< Enjoy!
Fable 3 Review

Pop Culture in Fable 3

So, I was playing through Fable 3 the other day and I began to notice a lot of the pop culture references within the game. There is one quest that you have to help these three gamers finish a game of what is a poke at games like Dungeons&Dragons. I thought it was pretty funny being an avid fantasy game player, both on tabletop and in games. The other funny reference that I love that they've been doing since I think Fable 2, the Normanomicon. Which makes reference to two things, one an actual joke of the other. The first comes from H.P. Lovecraft (Behold! I am a Dork!) and his whole story around the Necronomicon. Fast forward to the 80's and you have the Evil Dead series with Bruce Campbell where someone accidentally reads from the Necronomicon and he has to stop it, B-movie campness ensues. So that's what I've seen so far, I'll tell you more as I see them.