Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pop Culture in Fable 3

So, I was playing through Fable 3 the other day and I began to notice a lot of the pop culture references within the game. There is one quest that you have to help these three gamers finish a game of what is a poke at games like Dungeons&Dragons. I thought it was pretty funny being an avid fantasy game player, both on tabletop and in games. The other funny reference that I love that they've been doing since I think Fable 2, the Normanomicon. Which makes reference to two things, one an actual joke of the other. The first comes from H.P. Lovecraft (Behold! I am a Dork!) and his whole story around the Necronomicon. Fast forward to the 80's and you have the Evil Dead series with Bruce Campbell where someone accidentally reads from the Necronomicon and he has to stop it, B-movie campness ensues. So that's what I've seen so far, I'll tell you more as I see them.

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