Sunday, November 28, 2010

Death - The Great Equalizer


We've recently had a really interesting discussion on death in my Video Games and Culture class. Which got me thinking about Fable 3, naturally. But, it's interesting how the game portrays death within Fable 3. It can happen to everyone except you. You have a health bar, which is similar to the COD health bar in which the edges of your screen get progressively red and your heart beat gets faster and faster. But, when you (the Hero) "dies" in Fable 3, you don't really die, you're "knocked out" which was similar to how earlier games Streets of Rage portrayed death. However, in Fable 3, getting knocked out does have consequences, all the experience that you've been grinding to get the next guild seal, goes away. Trust me, this can be very frustrating when you die when you're one guild seal away from unlocking something really bad-ass. But, going deeper, I feel that this is kind of a double standard. You can kill pretty much everyone and every thing within the game, but they can't kill you. Why not? Why not make an ending where the main hero dies before he/she is supposed to in the storyline and see what happens. I know that's what Heavy Rain (momentary pause for greatness) did, so Mr. Molyneux, do you think that by changing around the consequence levels in the next Fable, because there will be one, so that we could have this mayhaps?

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