Wednesday, November 3, 2010

First we go

This list of 1s and 0s is a blog pertaining to the recently released game by Lionhead Studios Fable III. This game has been released to many lauded reviews by websites such as IGN and Joystiq, with more to come in the upcoming month.

To begin with I will explain one of my favorite aspects that Lionhead Studios added, well in actuality taken away. The lack of menus in the game. The only menu you will ever see in this game will be the Title screen and the settings screen within the Sanctuary, which I will explain later. Within the game when you press the start button instead of dealing with unwieldy menus a la Fable II, instead you are whisked away to the Sanctuary; your hero's fortress of solitude, if you will permit me to use a old comic book reference. From here you can change your weapon, your clothing, as well as see what achievements you've unlocked

Another favorite addition to the game is the ascetic of the evolving weapon. Within the game you are given two types of weapons: Melee, which consists of swords (fast, but less damage) and Hammers (slow but massive damage) as well as Ranged, which consists of rifles and pistols. When you level up within Fable III you're weapon evolves as well, so depending on how you've used your weapon, whether it was to slay that last village you went through or the cave of Hobbes plaguing aforementioned village, your weapon will evolve to you're playing style.

This blog is currently under development for a College Art class on the impact of Video Games in American culture, check back regularly for news, and different things dealing with Fable 3 found on the interweb, both good and bad, funny and maybe sometimes just a little bit corny.

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