Sunday, November 28, 2010

Metacritic sees all

Howdy all,

So while cruising around the internet I decided to take a loot at metacritic to see how Fable 3 fared on there. Now for those of you who don't know about metacritic, its this website that takes all of the different reviews made for different movies, tv shows, video games, you name it and weighs them all in and gives you a final tally of how the thing did out of 100. Fable 3 it seems has had some detractors, which is ok, there were quite a few bugs still left in the game, which made it quite frustrating for those who bought it on release day, but even with its drawbacks, Fable 3 was able to pull out an 80 which is not bad considering. If you want to take a look at the metacritic website I'll post a link to the Fable 3 review page for it.
Metacritic goodness
See you all again soon!

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